Article 1. Privacy Protection Standard

  1. As the administrator of personal data, the DECOFABRIX online store, owned by SUPRAPRINT Kwiatkowski Sp. z o. o., 5 Domaniewska Str, 05-800 Pruszków ("Administrator"), which can be contacted via the e-mail address:, attaches great importance to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal data entered in the electronic forms of the website available under the domain (“DECOFABRIX”) by Customers.
  2. The Administrator carefully selects and applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of processed personal data. Only persons duly authorized by the Administrator have full access to the databases.

Article 2. Basis for the processing of personal data

Personal data are processed by the Administrator in accordance with the provisions of law, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) for the following purposes:

  1. Execution of the contract for the provision of services specified in the DECOFABRIX Regulations (in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1)(b);
  2. Fulfillment of the Administrator's legal responsibilities;
  3. Marketing your own products or services, including personalized ones (in accordance with GDPR, Article 6(1)(f);
  4. Pursuing or securing claims (in accordance with GDPR, Article 6(1)(f);
  5. Using the newsletter service in accordance with the consent granted (GDPR, Art. 6(1)(a).
  6. The conclusion of the contract depends on providing data in order to perform the contract for the provision of services specified in the DECOFABRIX Regulations. The customer undertakes to provide this data. If the Customer fails to do so, it will not be possible to conclude a contract and provide services. Providing personal data in order to use the newsletter service is strictly voluntary.
  7. The Administrator may process personal data provided by Customers in order to use the Administrator's services. By sending the consent of third parties in each case, the Customer declares the appropriate consent of these persons to transfer their data to the Administrator.

Article 3. Collection of personal data

  1. To register a DECOFABRIX account, the Customer must provide the data specified in Art. 2 of the DECOFABRIX Regulations.
  2. To make purchases at DECOFABRIX, the Customer must provide the data specified in Art. 3 of the DECOFABRIX Regulations.

Article 4. Scope of personal data processing

  1. The data provided by the Customer is used to provide Customers with information about the Administrator and the Administrator's services, the efficiency of the services provided by the Administrator and for statistical purposes.
  2. Personal data of persons provided by Customers who rejected the invitation to participate in DECOFABRIX are processed by the Administrator for purposes related to the process of services offered by the Administrator, including verification of persons who rejected the received invitation.
  3. If the Administrator receives personal data in a manner other than that provided by the data holder, the Administrator will attempt to fulfill the obligations related to secondary information in accordance with Art. 14
  4. Whenever Customers take part in competitions organized by the Administrator, the contact details of these Customers are used to effectively conduct the said competition, e.g. notification of victory.
  5. The administrator uses IP addresses collected from online connections for technical purposes related to server administration. In addition, IP addresses are used to collect general statistical demographic information (e.g. about the region from which you are connected).

Article 5. Control of the processing of personal data

  1. All Customers whose personal data are processed by the Administrator are entitled to access, correct, delete and transfer, limit processing, object to data processing based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator or processing for direct marketing purposes, withdraw consent at any time, without affecting on compliance with the right to processing (if processing is based on consent), performed on the basis of consent. The customer undertakes to provide complete, valid and true data.
  2. Exercising the rights specified above in section 1 depends on sending an appropriate request to the e-mail address The Saud request must include the customer's full name and email address.
  3. The customer may request the deletion of his or her personal data at any time. In such cases, the Administrator stops processing personal data and deletes it, unless further processing is required in accordance with the law.
  4. If persons whose personal data are processed by the Administrator believe that such processing violates the provisions of the GDPR, they have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.

Artykuł 6. Ujawnianie danych osobowych

Dane Klientów mogą zostać ujawnione podmiotom uprawnionym do ich otrzymania na mocy obowiązujących przepisów prawa, w tym odpowiednich organów sądowych. Dane osobowe mogą zostać ujawnione podmiotom upoważnionym do ich przetwarzania, tj. Przewoźnikom, usługom pocztowym, podmiotowi księgowemu, partnerom świadczącym usługi techniczne (rozwój i utrzymanie systemów informatycznych i stron internetowych). Dane osobowe nie będą ujawniane krajom trzecim / organizacjom międzynarodowym.

Article 7. Other information regarding the processing of personal data

Personal data processed for the purpose of performing the contract for the provision of services specified in the DECOFABRIX Regulations and fulfilling the Administrator's legal responsibility will be archived for the duration of the contract and after its expiry for the time required for:

  1. After-sales support (e.g. complaint handling);
  2. Pursuing or securing claims;
  3. Fulfilling the Administrator's legal responsibilities (e.g. liability arising from tax and accounting regulations).
  4. Personal data processed for the purposes of marketing own products or services based on legitimate legal interest will be processed until the person related to the data raises an objection.
  5. Personal data processed on the basis of separate consent will be archived until this consent is withdrawn.
  6. The administrator does not process personal data automatically.

Article 8. Information about cookies

  1. The DECOFABRIX administrator uses cookies, which are computer data, in particular text files, stored on Customers' end devices and used to browse DECOFABRIX websites.
  2. Information collected using cookies allows services and content to be tailored to the individual needs and preferences of customers and is used for general statistics on the use of DECOFABRIX by customers.
  3. Personal data collected using cookies is collected solely for the purpose of performing specific functions for the benefit of customers and is encrypted in a way that prevents unauthorized access.
  4. Generally, the Administrator uses two types of cookies - "session cookies" and "persistent cookies".
    – session cookies are temporary files that remain on the Customer's device until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the software (web browser);
    – persistent cookies are files that remain on the customer's device for the time specified in the cookie settings or until they are manually deleted by the customer.
  5. Software used to browse websites (web browser) is usually set by default to enable the storage of cookies on the Customer's end device. DECOFABRIX customers can change these settings. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. For details, please refer to your web browser's help file or documentation.
  6. Cookie restrictions may affect some of the features available on DECOFABRIX websites.
  7. Cookies used by the website operator's partners, in particular website customers, are subject to their own privacy policy.